ADHD and Depression
As most of you know, I began my site on Attention Deficit Disorder in 1995. Over the last several years I have realized that ADD/ADHD is often accompanied by other issues, and the one I hear most frequently, is Depression.
Often times, with the self esteem issues and hardships that come with ADD/ADHD, Depression appears if it isn't already there and if the ADD/ADHD child or adult isn't dealing with depression directly, the stress and chaos in the ADD/ADHD household can cause depression to be an issue among other family members.
I also have my own personal battles with depression that stem from a father who felt that verbal abuse and humilation would cure my weight problems, even at 40 years old, an 8 year relationship wrought with domestic violence, verbal and mental abuse as well as the challenges of having an ADHD child.
If you have anything you'd like to contribute or share about depression please email me! Contact Us
By Deborah Deren
Wings of Madness Depression Guide
- Depression is an illness, in the same way that diabetes or heart disease are illnesses.
- Depression is an illness that affects the entire body, not just the mind.
- Depression is an illness that one in five people will suffer during their lifetime.
- Depression is the leading cause of alcoholism, drug abuse and other addictions.
- Depression is an illness that can be successfully treated in more than eighty percent of the people who have it.
- Depression is an equal-opportunity illness - it affects all ages, all races, all economic groups and both genders. Women, however, suffer from depression twice as much as men do.
- At least half of the people suffering from depression do not get proper treatment.
- Untreated depression is the number one cause of suicide.
- Depression is second only to heart disease in causing lost work days in America.
- Depression is not something to be ashamed of.
- Depression is not the same thing as feeling "blue" or "down."
- Depression is not a character flaw or the sign of a weak personality.
- Depression is not a "mood" someone can "snap out of." (Would you ask someone to "snap out of" diabetes?)
- Depression is not fully recognized as an illness by most health care insurance providers. Most will only pay 50% of treatment costs for out-patient care, as well as limiting the number of visits.

Interesting and Informative Links

Doctors Guide to Depression and Information Resources.
Clinical Depression Screening TestA short test to see if you should seek further diagnosis and/or treatment for Depression. After taking the test if your results indicate further screening, there toll free numbers listed for National Mental Health Association, National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Hotline as well as the National Youth Crisis Hotline.
A large collection of resources and links on clinical depression.
Welcome to Dr. Ivan's DEPRESSION CENTRAL This page tackles depression in all forms including Manic, bi-polar depression as well as clinical. Another page of links to depression, mood, and related disorders resources on-line, this one authored by a long-standing Internet psychiatrist. It includes a lot of research and professional articles links not commonly included elsewhere.
Welcome to the Internet Depression Resources ListMore awards than I can shake a stick at and all the newsgroups, pharmacy and information on all types of depression.
Minds Eye Information on DepressionThis site offers Chat, information on drugs, humor, therapy, support etc...
National Depressive and Manic Depressive AssociationAdvocacy, support groups, education, suicide information etc.
New Horizons News - Depressive and Manic Depressive Association - Chandler, AZ Presents news and research in depression and bipolar disorder. Included is information on volunteering for Bi-polar research.

Diagnosed with and successfully treated for depression in 1994, Peter's life changed. In a real way, he feels his life began. Peter found the information about depression so valuable, that he co-authored and published two books on depression. Both are available, free, online at
The books are: "How to Heal Depression" by Harold H. Bloomfield, M.D. and Peter McWilliams and "Hypericum (St. John's Wort) & Depression" by Harold. H. Bloomfield, M.D., Mikael Nordfors, M.D. and Peter McWilliams.
Peter writes: "These are the best-selling books in bookstores about depression, and they really are free. Share them freely with others (just don't charge anything, please). Most people don't know the symptoms of depression. This makes it difficult to recognize possible depression-in yourself or others. I was certainly the queen of denial for 44 years. If you haven't scanned the symptoms of depression in a while, have a look at: How to Heal Depression"